Sunday, August 31, 2008

So, once again

Well, let's see. What do I have to say now? Christina and the three children came for a visit yesterday and we had a great time! Little Lily is a trip.
I have one week left at the preschool, and then I start applying myself to school more! I also have a nanny job that I will be doing on MWF. I am excited about this change and think it will be a great one! The family seems wonderful.
Everything else is about the same. My cousin Lisa is visiting from England and arrives Thursday. She will be here two weeks. It will be nice to see her.

Friday, June 06, 2008

Wow! 1 1/2 years!

Holy crap. Lots of things have happened in the past year and a half since I last wrote! I had forgotten about this thing! lol.
Well, I am currently working as an assistant teacher at a private preschool. I love the job, but I seriously am aching to finish school. I am still dragging along towards that degree, which I suppose is better than not dragging at all. My major is Child Development, which I hope to use to become an Early Childhood Intervention Specialist.
Brandon is still at HW, and while it gets us through the bills, he is growing to dislike the job. He is ready for something more steady, which is understandable. He is working on an associates in business at Univ. of Phoenix online. He hopes to continue on to a bachelors after that. Then who knows what he will do with it? lol
We are living in Lewisville now, and we got another dog last August. Bella, a Pomeranian mix. She is crazy.
I guess that's it for the update. Maybe I can keep them closer. haha. Not that anyone reads this anyway.