Monday, April 10, 2006

Ok, sorry

I've been lazy...and now i'm getting in trouble for not writing! So here goes.
No, Scott, the chicken doesn't have many calories. I don't know how many it has, but if you cut the butter, it's a very healthy dinner.
Becky, I don't know when we will be able to have you guys over! We are poor at the moment. So, we will see.
All last week was normal. I registered for my classes this summer and fall. I'm so excited! I'm taking Prepracticum this summer which has to do with children. Then in the fall, I am taking 12 hrs, --abnormal child psyc, infant/toddler development, observation/assessment of children, and nutrition. I wanted to take 15 hrs, but it's not possible with work. I'll graduate one day. I swear. It may take me 10 years, but I'll get there. hah.
This past weekend was not too eventful. Worked Saturday, then just chilled at home. Then on Sunday, my little brother Nathan was confirmed at church and we ate lunch while they sat up front. Then we went and visited my family for a while, and headed out to Momma's house to see the other family and ate Chinese food. yum...
So, now here we are at another Monday...waiting for the next Saturday...
I found out yesterday that Rascal Flatts is coming to Frisco on June 16, so I already requested off from work today! I am NOT missing that concert!!!!! I don't care if I have to go by myself, I refuse to wait a few more years. But I think Stacy and Brandon are going to go. In the mean time, we might see if we can work up some more people so we can have a group.
Well, I suppose thats it!


Tom said...

Gosh! had to look up prepracticun. wasn't in my '91 Websters, or in online dictionary I found. But it seems to mean practing to practice
something!!?? AS for your course this fall, sound like good training for marriage lol!Don't give you'll make.Hope you get to your concert. better go!

Tom said...

Though I proof read that. Oh well, typing isn't my strong point!

Scott said...

Nice, never heard of Rascal Flatts? Classes interesting. What up B you need a blog.

TreyJ said...

You'll finish school. Took me a while, too. Just keep plugging away!